21 March 2011

The MELA World's A Stage


The fish (Japanese koi) in the pond beside the footpath. Colorful, variegated. Each individually beautiful, yet most impressive when viewed together. Sociable. Cooperative. Strong group dynamics. Spend all day networking and bonding in a close and familial atmosphere. Gaze into the waters, O members of MELA, and see yourselves reflected in nature.

Michael Kouly speaks on adaptive change. A decision is a negotiation among the voices in a person's head (particularly one's parents'), one's culture and one's reason.

Leadership is about permanently changing values -- but refashioning loyalties within systems is hard. "Individuals have mercy. Systems have no mercy." SIBF Chairman Nick Hoffman chews over these ideas.

Continuing the discussion over coffee.
Michael, Don, Ramzi, Terri, Julie

Meade & Zeina / Ahmed & Carolanne

Adey & Sandra / Saif & Faye

The Executive Committee meeting of the Association of International Philanthropic Fellows (AIPF) is called to order. AIFP is a (fictional!) organization facing problems on all fronts. It decides to hire consultants to interview its officers and set it on the right track.

The four consulting companies (Dead Sea Consultants, Leadership is Us Inc., Al-HabsySaabTobi & Associates, MELA Solutions Team) prepare their strategies for collecting information about AIPF.

Only Firas had the heart, and patience, to visit AIPF's crusty old founder and listen to his interminable stories.

The VP of Membership complains that the programs are not attracting fresh blood.

The VP of Programs is dissatisfied with the financial side of the operation.

The Treasurer has a beef with almost everyone. How can he do his job properly when the marketing department is so weak?

The VP of Marketing & Communications points the finger at programming, finance and IT.

Nobody in the organization listens to the VP of Technology. But he has a few surprises up his sleeve.

The Executive Director senses his team's frustration with him. There are at least two sides to every story, however...

The consultant companies reconvene in the ballroom to present their recommendations.

As the coordinator of the AIFP exercise, Steven is awarded a gift beyond price, a Jordan Harley Davison cap!

Masks are off, and the actors are revealed to be none other than the MELA facilitators.

Yasser was fooled!
... These our actors
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air...
-- Shakespeare, The Tempest

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