11 October 2011

MELA and its Discontents


Our fearless captain Mohammad raises the MELA banner and leads us into the fifth day of battle. This morning's objectives: to meet and overcome the challenges of interpersonal confrontations.

View of the battlefield, 9 a.m. Armed with B2 pencils, fortified with last-minute cups of coffee and Coca-Cola products, MELA troops move into formation.

Bill Starnes continues the topic of interpersonal conflict from yesterday. When conflicts are not addressed effectively, they fester to the detriment of all. For optimal results, such situations require considerable skill, insight and finesse.

Alternatively, you can blast the opposition into submission with your laser-beam stares.

Salma is a hands-on kind of woman. She prefers the give-and-take of dialogue. One hand gives, the other hand takes.

Admin team member Angela Crossman shares a laugh and a smile with Basma.

At lunchtime, Nader attacks the salad bar. Not a fair fight.

Tom hits on the rice.

Happy Birthday to Mohammed Khalifa!

Happy Birthday to Abdullah Riri! Basel congratulates Abdullah on his Hijri (Islamic calendar) birthday.

Thank you, gentlemen, for your willingness to travel for MELA and share your special day in the company of new friends. Joy, health and prosperity to both of you!

Victor Antonio -- sales consultant, author and motivational speaker -- takes the stage for a presentation on winning through influence and persuasion. But first: a devilish finger exercise to test the audience's coordination and attitude to learning new things.

Once again, MELA members prove what exceptionally talented people they are!

Selling a new item or idea to someone depends on making them "constructively discontented" with the ones they have now.

And that goes for MELA people as well. Because, as Victor says, nobody wants to be a hound dog lying on a thumb tack: unhappy with its situation, but insufficiently motivated to change it.

The second round of parallel group sessions re-assembles the experts to address topics of concern identified by the participants. Andrew describes his experience of growing an organization.

Meanwhile in the hotel's Boardroom, the focus is on employee development: training, mentoring, coaching and succession planning.

The birthing pains and life cycle of an organization is interesting for many of MELA's businesspeople and entrepreneurs.

And then, with night's velvet coverlet spread across the sky, it was time to head for the restaurants, shisha lounges, and musical entertainment of Sharm El Sheikh's rollicking Naama Bay, where MELA folks (we are reliably informed) continued to have deep intellectual conversations on the philosophical and sociological implications of leadership until late into the night...

Mustafa models with a dancer's snake in Naama Bay...

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