MELA teams continue work on the Capstone Project begun yesterday.
Calm before the (brain-) storm. Members of Breakout Group 2 get ready for business.
Wearing one's MELA shirt is an important part of the exercise.*
*MELA shirts are saturated with special vitamin supplements which have been proven to elevate mental activity. It is a scientific fact that wearing a MELA shirt makes you more intelligent.
Under certain circumstances, wearing a MELA shirt can help you defy the laws of gravity. Watch Abdullah levitate.
Nahla, by contrast, has her feet firmly on the ground.
Adel and Halah pattern the room: white on black, black on white.
Yes, Tala, we all agree that Joe's unremitting enthusiasm can be trying sometimes...
Sadly, the Reunion officially ends this morning and it is time for some goodbyes. Cinderella and Ginny.
More goodbyes. Victor and Dania. Oooh, that Victor is a mischievous man.
That Victor is a very mischievous man!
Battle hero Feras takes lunch surrounded by admiring companions. Yesterday in the desert, Feras was savagely attacked by a quad bike.
The teams have concluded their analyses and reassemble in plenary session, prepared to pitch their strategies to members of the MELA Advisory Board.
Board Members Soughit, Andrew, Jim. Basma and Firas make five.
Breakout Group 5 in the wings. Saif, Dina, Hind await their turn.
Go, Dina, go!
Industrial espionage!?
Let the record show that the air conditioning in the ballroom was frequently adjusted to the needs of penguins and polar bears. Steven and Ginny have devised a solution.
Princess Tala......................................................................Princess Leia
Receiving feedback on the group's ideas and presentation.
Breakout Group 3 wheels out Feras for the sympathy vote.
Obay and Talal report on the results of their impromptu survey of the participants. Yet as we move (too soon!) to the final day of MELA 3, and look beyond it to a vibrant network of partners and friends, Obay and Talal's rubric reverberates with a wider resonance:
Are you ready to join?
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